Child of moon dust

Night falls on weary shoulders
Cool air descends
Steam rises on water
Distant sounds
Symphony of the moon.
Rain damp ground
Glistens in moonlight stream
White light leaves a shadow
As she sits
Eyes closed
Breathing the air of midnight.
Fireflies dance
In the dark spots of the mind
A twinkle of light
Luminous thoughts drift
Sleep stays at bay.
Owl calls out
Nature scurries in forest homes
She sits and watches the night
Move past
Today gone
Sleep will return
The coming of dawn
Reminding of movement
Skies alive
Night to day.

11 thoughts on “Child of moon dust

  1. Pingback: Child of moon dust | M2wa2 DigiTech.

  2. Love this I like it when I read it from bottom to top that’s what makes this post very clever it can be read either way. Love your work.


  3. Weary, worry , and strife — sounds like a Monday. 😉
    Three cheerz for ascendancy! Lift-off will soon commence!

    Happy gliding! Peace and luvz, Uncle Tree


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