Place of mind

I wandered the darkness searching
Neon signs behind me
Away from the city
Away to the peace
Gazing through shadows
Animals move silently
Crackling leaves the only thing
Disturbing the silence of thought.
A fountain appeared
The oasis of wonder from nowhere
Lit from within
The water trickling down
The necks of giraffes
Dropping to the pool below
Chariots in the sky
Cloud races passing by
Stallions firm
Moving muscles straining
To win the race
And I turned to see the sun
Felt the heat beaming down upon me
Soaking into my body
Falling into my soul.
I woke to her once more
Her stars twinkling, waiting
And I stayed this time
Waiting for the magic
And found myself more whole
Fulfilled and serene
For having stayed to see
The last nocturnal act
This last cosmic ovation
Taking its bow as the lights once dim
Now getting brighter
Time to move
Time to go.

8 thoughts on “Place of mind

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....