We are water

We ripple under a noon-time sun, a beaten up tired dock upon the water, green-blue tint at the edge of the sea, reflections of our selves watching, waiting for sight of dolphins.

Sand-castle dreams of life as we’ve become and we gaze beyond the horizon where the future lies, past the view of this moment, and we walk to the edge and look down within to see the silver-flecked fish move in time with the waves that move slowly by.

Dark forms meander to nowhere and head to somewhere out of view, a manatee alone lumbering below the surface, a delight for a moment and then it’s gone, slipped away in the endless blue. Nameless faces walk past, speaking in tongue to children in tow and a fisherman casts his net upon the slick silver spears that dart away and he comes up empty-handed time and time again. Do they toy with him? I quietly wonder with a smile, no dinner or bait today as the fish got away.

We are calm here, along the water’s edge where no words need to be spoken and time moves slowly as the sun bakes the sand like a cake from scratch, radiating warmth that feels good on feet that walk gently into the barely there waves and life here moves on and the people come and go, in search of what? I don’t really know. Perhaps a cool swim with the life within, or perhaps to find a lost thought or a memory that has escaped for a while?


The old man sits on a tired bench with his plastic cup of beer and just watches the distance, and I want to ask him what it is he seeks, but I just walk away, letting him be. Who am I to intrude as I walk along myself, down the dock surrounded by the beauty of the water.

Somewhere in my mind I have become the mermaid beached, waiting for the moment when the dolphins return and the sun sets bringing a cooling breeze, I wait.


This is a picture (not mine) of the pier we walked on today, my first sight of a manatee and at the end of the pier, men fished while a heron waited for a snack and a few lonely people sat and drank a beer watching the horizon. Beautiful place. Anna Marie Island was the destination for my mystery trip today. What a beauty, truly.


19 thoughts on “We are water

  1. Thanks, Kim. A week ago I was the first to read and “Like” a new blogger’s first post and I immediately thought of that first “like” popping up. I was so pleased to be her inaugural viewer!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow Judy, that is incredible and you hit that number because you are incredible too. Church camp was something to look forward to every year till we got into money problems and it became a hardship, but the memories were always so uplifting. It was called Circle C Ranch and is still in existence today in Delevan NY. I don’t visit enough and I shall pop in and catch up on some Life Lessons😊 and so honored to have been your first like my friend. What a great way to begin my day😊
    Peace and love,


  3. I thought this story was going to be about a little mouse or big rat eating all your Hershey bars! So touching. Summer MYF church camp was the highlight of my life for six years… and then two more as a counselor. We didn’t get horses to ride, though. You were the only person who “liked” the first post I ever made three years ago. A half hour ago, I just had my 200,000th view–and it all started with you. I was as thrilled with that first view as I am today with the 200,000th! Thanks for being my first.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh that is such excellent news, and unfortunate that it will be a slow go but now you know it won’t be forever. Take your nap and heal my friend. Yay!!! Slow boats can be scenic 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kim I’m home it went well
    It looks like I’m on a slow boat back
    But speed is not what I’m after
    This Dr knew his onions
    I’m soooooooooooooooooooooo tired
    I’m going to lay down
    I still feel like a shit popsicle
    As always Sheldon

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah, that is such good news, I pray it all goes well for you. I can understand if a doctor is a know it all, listen to my advice, blah,blah,blah, mine pushed and pushed and found my cancer so I do know here are some good ones out there and I hope,this one works for you. I’m thinking of you and I sit here with some wacky allergic reaction that has swollen one side of my tongue…quite bizarre….perhaps it’s a bug bite but I woke last night feeling like I wasn’t breathing normally and boom, tongue was huge….a bit better this morning….perhaps that would make a fun collage, half a swollen tongue….perhaps karma telling me I shouldn’t talk so much, haha….just some Tuesday humor.
    Be well sweet Sheldon and I’ll say a prayer for a good outcome today. Peace and love, Kim

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Good morning
    I have a full morning
    A new Dr
    Hopefully everything will go off without a hitch
    I feeling very low in my soul and physical played out
    I am trying to hold on to the light of my spirit
    I’m just so…….
    As always Sheldon

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Mmm, I’m not sure how long he’d been out there and I had already asked one old timer with his line in the drink if he’d caught anything, only to be ignored…I said it quite loudly, perhaps he didn’t speak English…it took me off guard and after that, hesitation set in….I hope he had good thoughts in what he was imagining. I love talking to strangers, much to my husbands chagrin….but….it’s not about him, right? So I shall continue😊 what time is it there? 8:53 here…almost bedtime for me😀


  9. Thank you my new friend, I’m so glad you enjoyed the bit of paradise…the waters down here always deliver the nicest gifts….a manatee…wow, it was incredible. Peace and love and welcome, Kim

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It was a rather picturesque place…nice to visit…but I like where I live, less touristy…..quiet and kind of peaceful….the way I enjoy it🙃 thanks Tre, still have to listen to your audio….didn’t have an uninterrupted moment today…now gives me something to look forward to tomorrow😊💜 auntie K

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....