Beyond the blue of yesterday

There was a moment where the sun slipped below the horizon, the vibrant red ball seeming as if to sizzle as it hit the surface that was lightly rippled. There was little wind and no words spoken as we just sat and watched the moment, living with the memory of the beauty from seconds ago. Life moves like this some days I find. Bright and filled with life and then when it all settles, a quiet and serene peace begins to grow like a single flower in broken dirt, a small green shoot in a place where nothing was expected or asked for. Simple blessings to appreciate. Time passed slow and fast, all at the same time and though the body and mind never quite met, never synchronized into itself, many memories were carried away, some which will be words in the future I’m sure, some left behind on that beach where the sun disappeared.

We are home from home. Time likes to play its tricks upon me and trying to get caught up, the internet decided that 400 emails must have been a bit too much, crashing my system over and over again like a wave that never ends. I walked away. I took a breath. I returned to some glimmer of hope, the tiny green shoot of peace moved me once more where only cracked and parched thoughts lay, tripping me up as I try to cope….patience, yes, that is what the mind spoke loud and clear. I let it go. I did get some reading done, some catch up left to do but sometimes you just have to let the sun set on the chaos that wants to ensue, to pull you under and leave you floundering…and so I take time here now for a hello to you all my wonderful friends. I’ve missed you, and I’ve missed me. But I am gradually coming back into the normalcy which is my new life and that makes me smile, yes, I am smiling to look around and see my surroundings, my banana tree which is making fat little bananas for the future, to see the pups on the couch for their afternoon siesta, and rain on and off can’t dampen my soul. I embrace it, welcome it actually. Blue days but so very wonderful and it’s good to be home, here by the sea and so different from back there.

Pics from our trip, beautiful sunset and happy beach fish stinking dogs….life, still good.





I’m back….YAY! Happy to see you all again too.

23 thoughts on “Beyond the blue of yesterday

  1. Thanks Michael,
    Lessons found along the way and through turmoil or happiness, what always sticks like the sweetest drops of honey are the beautiful moments that pass too quickly, memory is an amazing thing, like Polaroid of the mind😊 and we thought the Internet was a miracle….amazing things up in that bottomless area called the mind. So glad you enjoyed and for the morning joy. Peace to you also, Kim

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  2. We’re getting lots of rain but that’s ok, I know it is there waiting behind the clouds, how are you? I’ve missed it here and all of you beautiful folks. Good morning too😊

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  3. I loved this line, “living with the memory of the beauty from seconds ago.” Beauty does pop and fizzle all around us, but nature has this majestic turning– of seasons, of days and nights, of movement and rest. We are immersed in her glories, and you are one of my favorite narrators, my friend!


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Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....