Morning bliss

Cool air greets the eyes that slowly wake,

The scent of coffee in the darkness

Five twenty and not yet time to move,

Yet I sit here ready,

To stretch out the body coiled too long

Wrapped in yoga pose around the lumps of sleeping dogs,

I greet the day with a smile.

I dreamt of a bird who found me,

In a beautiful shade of green and yellow

Perched in my hand and so cold

And I held it carefully wondering what to do

So I sat it down and set it free, yet it followed me.

Now I have a cat…so it wouldn’t be welcome like that

For the kitty dislikes the things in flight

And for fear of the life

I sat it on my shoulder and went to work,

Yet I no longer go there,

Then found a snake but left it alone

No place for that in the full menagerie

And I woke refreshed

And I sit and drink my brew

Warm and lifting as good coffee can do,

Pondering the midnight thoughts

That brought me to this moment

And the birds will wake soon

As the sun finds its way to greet us

Smiling on a Tuesday morn,

Blessed at the wonder each day brings

And the gift of imagination set free


A good night sleep and up before dawn, had some very strange dreams surrounding animals (not our little digits but found species), still wondering what it all meant yet at peace as I sip my coffee. Life is good indeed. Have a peaceful and blessed day, good morning friends💜

as a post note…look what I found on our walk this morning sitting by the road in the grass, and yep, we let him follow us home 🙂 not a green and yellow bird but the cat won’t eat him 🙂



5 thoughts on “Morning bliss


    This is beautiful, Kim. There’s so much lovely imagery and colors to imagine here. I love these lines:

    “Wrapped in yoga pose around the lumps of sleeping dogs,

    I greet the day with a smile.

    I dreamt of a bird who found me,

    In a beautiful shade of green and yellow

    Perched in my hand and so cold

    And I held it carefully wondering what to do

    So I sat it down and set it free, yet it followed me.

    Now I have a cat…so it wouldn’t be welcome like that

    For the kitty dislikes the things in flight”


  2. This is an interesting poem. It feels like a dream inside of a dream. I dont like Youve got some talent.I dont think I can write something like this.


  3. nah, too many calories in that my friend, like to keep it light before the hour power walk with the hounds 🙂 was in bed by eight thirty so I got the full sleep required…with the typical strange dreams…but in hindsight after finding Woodstock on the walk and the dream of a bird finding me and wanting adoption, found it quite appropriate…manifesting fun as always 🙂 but please, drink some pumpkin spiced grog for me my friend, pretty please….smacks lips loudly 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ugh Five Twenty LOL
    Love the calm musings that fill this verse, though mine typically happen over a steaming indulgence of Pumpkin spiced or gingerbread Mocha chai latte 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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