
Trinkets and tidbits pressed together

reminiscent of a bus with one too many passengers

jostling with each step, each bump rocking

back and forth heaped yet trying to remain

separate in space.

Boxes heaped with rusted bolts and nuts

and the odd occasional I don’t know what

forced like sardines as I search

for the elusive gold.

I know not the name of what I seek,

only knowing when I see it I shall know

that this is the one I had waited for

and I move forward in the crush

glancing here and there

while lost in towering piles of toys and trash

I turn the corner into the fresh breeze of beyond

knowing that today is not the day

to unearth the prize

of a flea market surprise.

Yesterday my husband and I journeyed to Bradenton to visit this big red barn flea market, not in search of fleas, please….I needed a piece of wood or something for my watercolor class that would fit my lap and not be hurt by water, paint, etc….I love the antique areas but there was one crushed area that was filled with to say it politely, junk. Boxes and boxes of metal pieces and bolts, chains, etc….packed so tightly you trip over these remnants from what looks like World War one. I did not find what I was looking for so went to Walmart where I happened to score the last purple ridged cutting board that should suit nicely. Not a flea market find but for 7.50$, I can always use it to cut veggies on if it doesn’t work out for the art thing. this image is not the flea market I attended, this one looks cool (trenton punk rock flea market) or something like that 🙂 Peace and happy shopping folks.


37 thoughts on “Gold

  1. Nope, one owner that I’m aware, she died when she was 97 and her son then owned it and he died in his nineties too, he lived with us, mom took him in for a year or two until he passed😊💕🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My favorite is a water bottle that must be over 100yrs old, it is my favorite relic, I look at it daily, reminding me of the simpler days, a bottle that says “water”, and etched with a well. I love it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nah, we had company coming and were in a hurry for drawer space for their belongings 🙂 seldomly used, only when people visit. I have antiques that I adore, hold much more love in my heart for those than any IKEA any day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. See? That’s why he can’t sell a 19th century pre-civil war dresser at a decent price. The Ikea option is practical, well-designed and affordable. 😉 Have a lovely sunday Kim

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes and no. He likes it, but like he says, and I have seen it, customers think they can buy a 19th century dresser for the price of an IKEA shelf. 😦
    (Do you have IKEA in the US?)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am still learning.. lol.. And you never stop learning.. But knowing about the basics and how to prep your paper and the primary colours etc.. knowing how to blend will be important … I still over load my brush lol with water colour.. Also the right brushes too.. 🙂 I am excited for you xxx 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m getting rather excited. I attempted to play with them and can already tell the difference between the good paper and not so good. Saving the Archers for class 🙂 I have a long way to go learning the craft for sure 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Snowbird season down here it’s like a human crush, people everywhere and slow moving packed like sardines in a can😊 I just go with the flow and enjoy. I find them such fun though😊💜


  9. Learning new tricks is always a good mind opening adventure. I’m getting excited for sure, was toying with them a bit yesterday for the first time, going to be a lot of fun😊 I’ve a piece of your writing to read, on my list today so haven’t forgotten you my friend, hope you’re staying warm and enjoying the weather roller coaster.
    Peace and love,

    Liked by 1 person

  10. A painting class! Sounds wonderful Kim. The artifacts of humanity are quite amazing aren’t they? Chintzy treasures that inspire and remind and invoke that sense of the gestalt we all are…

    With Joy

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Thank you Elizabeth,
    I know the feeling you’re speaking of
    A whole lot of everything all happening at once,
    Often with no rhyme or reason,
    Was thinking of you a few minutes ago
    Looking at my bookshelf and spied your book,
    One of the few I brought down with me on the move.
    I thank you for your compliment here and
    I do appreciate it and you.
    Peace and blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Loved your post, the words…the picture stop me in my tracks so to speak. When I saw it the first thing that come to mind is that “this picture” the image is how I feel inside…a multitude of things racing around. I did enjoy it all, thank you. eajm

    Liked by 1 person

  13. What you do with the daily goings-on in life is astounding, Kim. Here, this… says it all:

    “I know not the name of what I seek,

    only knowing when I see it I shall know

    that this is the one I had waited for

    and I move forward in the crush

    glancing here and there

    while lost in towering piles of toys and trash

    I turn the corner into the fresh breeze of beyond

    knowing that today is not the day

    to unearth the prize”

    Simply divine.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Oh those snowbirds! If only they knew what they were missing here. Not much snow this year. That Amish hot pretzel sounds way too yum! Especially for a hot day…:)

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Trader’s Village in Grand Prairie, TX acres of market. 1st Monday, once a month spans an entire town, literally.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I love it there too, but the snowbirds are in Florida and trying to even move is like a crush of humanity, summer gets too hot in the non-air conditioned areas, but I adore them. Did a farmers market today, had an Amish hot pretzel w/the man, OMG, yum. Huge so we split one. Highlight of my day so far 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. oh the feeling of being in a flea market! nothing like it. always that hope that just around the next corner my future awaits me. Lovely post, Kim. Brings back tons (literally!) of memories. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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