A scents of peace

Lavender soothes the mind in night

candles flicker their beauteous light,

oil to calm the troubled skin

another day to move through again.

Where peace comes calling, the stars collide

and bringing dust in dreamtime I fly

through midnight grace and images deep

restless and warm I search for sleep.

I hear a song from a passing car

and the lyric soothes as it drifts so far,

I saw the faces from yesterday

in nights sleeping memories they stay.

Like chapters from a story of fear

I feel the menace of the ones I held dear

and running I stop and choose to fight

perhaps I’ll win tonight.

He looks in my eyes with the barrel raised

and winks just once then walks away

the moment passes and I finally breathe

the story of mind does often weave,

the scents of life bring me back to now

and eyes wide open I’m alive somehow

for he knew that I had been within the peace

and with his exit, I’ve been released.

Every night this week I’ve been having some very strange dreams. Last night was like a massacre at the place I formerly worked at, and as I knew something was going to happen somehow, I remembered the only place to hide, yet he watched as I entered and as I rushed to lock the other door, through the window he smiled at me as he raised the gun, I stood my ground and he winked and turned and walked the other way. I was also barefoot and trying to tiptoe carefully through the glass with a young woman I didn’t know who followed me. Strange scary stuff and not sure what it was all about, but it’s been a long time since I’ve had such vivid dreams. Time to release more essential oils into the air for calm before sleep I think. Enjoying them none the less and trying to garner sense from it at the same time 🙂 peace and sweet dreams tonight I pray. K

28 thoughts on “A scents of peace

  1. Wow…this was an intriguing piece. I’m so glad you added that prologue.
    Kim, I’ve always had very vivid dreams, in fact I was a sleepwalker as a child.
    Like you, my dreams can be very troubling and I don’t always know what to make of them.
    I see I’m not alone.
    Regardless of the content, your words paint a wonderfully dynamic flow of detailed images.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. They’ve toned down a bit thank heavens, last night was a snake that was venomous but docile and let us stare at him without striking…if I can consider that toned down😀🐍 keeping my scentses about me😁

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so very much, I hope you enjoy this little place of me, it tends to go all over the place, kind of like life, but it’s how my mind works….usually pretty peaceful though😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just bought Kenneth Cole “White” with a gift card I had gotten for xmas, first new perfume in ages, but my faves are an old Victoria Secret 33 and Byblos. Still wear them, he likes them too 🙂 I will have to check out the ones you’ve listed here. I can often be found sporting coconut sunscreen as I live in Florida, another fave 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well now then you have the wrong husband haha. On a more serious note: fragrances are so personal. I like Bvlgari and Hermes, my girlfriend likes Narcisso Rodriquez.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m a fan but the husband isn’t too keen on it, if we’re going to be out and about I wear it, cloistered in the house I just lift the bottle and inhale to appease myself 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. thank you Nour, I like to think of them as my whimsy of a mind, thoughts come to me and I write and let them flow, rarely editing much to my dismay at times with horrid grammar and misspelled words 🙂 so glad you are enjoying them 🙂 peace and blessings, K

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I still wear it occasionally, lately been more about mint/lemon grass/lavender and the like, even in sleep with nightmares, I sense it and keep calm and at peace ❤


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