Pool of color

Beneath the surface pools
beauty lingers waiting
a refill of the shallow tank needed
to release
the stars that cling.
The sound of water that gives life
over the small mountain rock
the bluest horizon of waves
so close yet so far.
The moon moves and sets pace
the tides will fill and empty
the earthen net that caught
the life for view
by the mortal that lives above,
enchanting the senses for scenic images
before sweeping back out
to the under water world
the stars will move
above and below
in magic splendor
reflected drop by drop
of precious serum that saves.

My mind keeps singing Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid….I don’t know….that’s just how my mind flows….more coffee me thinks πŸ™‚ have a beautiful day ❀

12 thoughts on “Pool of color

  1. living on the gulf where they had the oil spill drifting around is never a good thing, glad I wasn’t here for it, but the red tide….that I’ve lived through, takes your breath away. sigh. Peace and love and a very Merry Christmas Malcolm. ❀


  2. and another in the Spam…..not that I don’t like spam, we eat it smoked a few times a year but to see you there….sigh. Thank you Jack, have an amazing day my friend ❀


  3. That was beautiful Kim. lovely pool of life. and my granddaughter is so into mermaids. πŸ™‚ Wishing you a wonderful weekend to come dear friend.. xxx ❀ Hugs


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