Growing wild

Cloistered in spaces unseen

gifts in crevices found

the colors of life grow wild in my life.

Rising in strength to become

a hanging cluster of goodness

lingering in shadows

but still hanging on.

I’ve waited for these things,

the beauty of life beneath

an awkward sun burns

to touch pavement beneath tired feet.

Coming days, months, years

awaken in their splendor

to find me waiting with open hands.

Tiny beings like dreams

wait to be plucked from the fertile mind,

and I return to find

the places I’d forgotten

still stand in glory,

the figment of want fulfilled.

This image, if it sticks, is a banana tree in my yard. It has been growing for years, yet never produced. Imagine my surprise to see the wisps of purple flower petals upon the ground…and in the tree, the gift of fruit, finally. I now have four bunches on four different trees. I love bananas, but this bounty is too much. My neighbors will be well fed.

6 thoughts on “Growing wild

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....