Beyond emptiness

Was she there?
Caught in the sideways glance of sunset,
basking in the warmth of feelings
Empty chairs linger with ghosts
of old lovers gone into the distance,
beyond view yet not forgotten
as the memories swirl in the foamy waves,
tides wash in and out
and cleanse the soul,
was she there listening
as you spoke to her like yesterday
though invisible her spirit
drew lines on the sky in fiery shades,
yellow, red and orange
like the spirit released
rising up to soar
like a broken bird made whole.
I can hear the whisper,
the wind finds its way to my mind
through and beyond I find the comfort
in sunsets and stars
and though there is the void,
spaces where the trace is only memory,
I close my eyes and slip into the moment
and say hello to old friends
who reside in empty seats on cold beaches
waiting for the rebirth and warmth
of a morning sun waking,
I spoke your name
and made you real for but a moment.

What it is…

Listening to lyrics,
Crushed to the extent
of words that represent
the best of everything
in a child’s eyes,
things unchanged
by wishes and dreams
or escapes of a paradise found,
’cause listening don’t change a single thing
except hearing answers from someone
who slipped in the cracks long before
you came along….
and I see the faces gone
lost in that sullen place
where I visit often
for it is there they teach me
the lessons not quite complete
as they slipped away,
they talk to me
in dreams
where I don’t wish to awaken from
for there are things there
like webs of strings,
following to find
answers I’ve searched for
since a single cell joined,
the music finds me
on the corner of a Southbound lane
there is an answer there…
in the silence of a brick graffiti wall
I find my way
turn round to the shadows eclipsed
by a touch of grey.

When I Get Very Old

This was awesome, the way it tugs at the old heart strings. If you’re a dog lover and have ever had an older slowing down much loved beastie, this one’s for you. Please visit original and leave comments there to Empty Nest/Full Life. Happy Monday folks and enjoy ❤

Not for sissies

When I get very old, if I’m lucky enough to reach that milestone, I will give up my struggles to be perfect. I will eat brownies for breakfast and have ice cream for dinner, if that’s what I really want.

I’ll stop trying to be thinner or stronger or smarter or more accomplished.

When I get very old, I’ll lounge around all day in my pajamas and read trashy novels while eating a bag of chips.

You might wonder what has inspired me to accept the blessings of very old age.

Well, it was the Wolf King that did it.

I’ll let him explain in his own words.

IMG_20170810_103058 Only a week ago, I still needed my leash.

As soon as I woke up today, I knew that something unusual was going on. Man Who Walks Me was climbing up and down the stairs, bringing chairs and tables out into the…

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