Grains of energy

Into the season
Spices of life seeing in colors
This day moves languidly by.
Memories of tomorrow
Blank slate of yesterday
Sliding down the hill
Crystals soft below.
Rainbows appear soundless
Awareness moves my mind to see
What is before me in shadows
Light is guiding the way.
Energy shift to smooth
The ripples disappear before my eyes
Feet burrowing into the ground of sand
Rain falling gently
To start again.
Hands filled with blessings
Simple grains into the water,
Thrown in the air like confetti
Or tossed behind the back,
As the colors fall to earth again and
The spirit gathers to the breast
The shades of laughter suddenly
Felt within.

This photo filled me with joy and a feeling of energy….earth salt and the colors of the rainbow…how something quite ordinary can be so very beautiful with just a shift in perception.