Lost in moments (free flow poetry)

Air heavy hanging
Suffocation of thoughts
as the music plays intermittent,
not sure where the flow is
only knowing
gotta go with the tune
playing his song
softly with inflection like a silent drum beat
cause the day is gone
as are you
tap tap tap goes the tympanii
and I don’t remember when the final concerto played
only that you aren’t here to hear
your heartbeat song
and I make no apologies
for you know me
know how it goes,
this rhythm
the beat in the silent night
we are harmony
the sky and moon
singing to those no longer a part
reasons and purposes,
as the air hangs heavy like a heart
beyond repair of the moment
I scream in the ebb
as silence catches me unaware
drowning in humidity heavy,
of a life remembered
I long to show you
as I sit here
scribbles on a vacant wall
will anyone remember with dawns light
the plight
of a poet in the shadows,
will anyone remember the name
of the girl undone,
I sit here on the post
stoic and strong regardless
as days light passes
I rise
with the head on cotton pillows
comforted in dreams
and the thought of making it through
like hummingbirds and memories
they always rise to the surface
and a memory is just that,
a yesterday moment caught in the rearview,
disregarded as best we can,
slipping down into the horizon that awaits,
knowing it’s gonna be okay,
our sweet being
makes it that way
regardless of our wishes.

Seventh book, seventh chapter

“I try to experience that feeling of closeness, the feeling that no matter how far away something is, that I can touch it, connect with it. And then I breathe it in.” Chapter: Engaging the flow excerpt from The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

I stand there locked in space and time, living in a world of a thousand thoughts that go zipping through my mind,
runaway thoughts like a comet that is chased by its tail across the universe.
I stand there in the middle, weary and oft time overwhelmed by the magnitutde of it all, and sometimes finding it so hard to gather it all together, to put it in some kind of order. But the sky up there, it laughs at me, this poor tiny soul who has forgotten that even so tiny, I am a part of it all. Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I just have to let it go, to be at one with the thousand thoughts, so I build my ship and sail on the rippling energy waves, flowing where the tides take me. I dream in sleep-wakefullness and am pleasantly surprised when the ship runs into ground, jarring me out of this reverie. I am here, in this peaceful state of a bliss awakened.

The seventh book, seventh chapter challenge….go to your book shelf, grab the seventh book in and go to the seventh chapter, close your eyes and pick any point on the page, write that sentence out, and then add your own two cents in. would love to see what you come up with, leave a link in the comments and have fun. please list the book and the chapter name if there is one..and the author to give credit where due of course.
peace and love and fun times,


Pieced together one by one

Creating lyric, prose and sound

Stocked up higher into our minds

Spinning stories

Creating waves.

What is a word

Sticks and stones of long ago

Yet meaning is only what is given

If it touches within

With passion and fire,

Just a word that was given long ago

To describe a person, place or thing.

It is a label, a feeling, anything at all that you let it

As you keep it alive by giving it emotion,


When nonsense brings smiles

And hate, tears

But looking deeper I can only see

That in the end it is nothing,

Just a word which will live

If I let it breathe,

If I give it worth

Like time itself,

Fleeting at best but still a measure

In this space we live,

Yet I see eternity in each second

I see a future beyond end

And I write these words as they fall from the depths,

Words that really mean nothing

For they are merely words to communicate

For lack of seeing into your eyes, your soul

Where words are not needed

And silence is all to discover

The farthest reaches of what really matters.

Just a word is nothing

Yet a soul that speaks

Rises into it all.

Just a thought I had on the worth some give to words, when words are merely what you allow them to be. But my faves are peace and love of course….