Always one

There always seem to be
one going the wrong way in the set,
Perhaps but noticeable in the big scheme.
I am that singular piece
upside down and ass backwards,
with no apologies
I will color my world
in the only way I know
upon baby blue skies that cry
come out to play my child,
scribble the sights of memory
and upon that slate
as endless as the ocean beyond
I let the feeling carry me
to far away places
that only I see
in my mind’s eye
playing hide and seek with the words,
the music falls down upon me like a wild wicked rain
and I wipe clean my effort
and begin again
and again
for it is the only way to hang on,
to keep alive the feeling
of creating the sight
of my folly,
of my day-dream feelings
that refuse to fade to black,
that will never surrender
to obscurity.

Fire on the mountain

The embers danced on wind whipped skies,
frenzied dervish of firefly light
sparkling orange diamonds on air,
they say the spirits bless their hallowed ground,
death and decay give way
to newness that will rise from ash,
small shoots below hazy clouds
where prairies greet the steps
of mountains so high,
shadowed as night falls
to begin a rebirth once more .

A quick piece I created yesterday, reminding me of our out West trip when there was a fire somewhere on the mountain in Utah. The hazy skies and yellow haze present on the mirror of a motorcycle, moving through space and time long ago.

Sweetly saved

We feed the need within’
walking aisles
meandering aimlessly,
wasted yet pleasured time
and avoiding
the empty spaces
as the demise of orange and black
gives an early birth to green and red.
Spirit sings softly
come, have a look-see
down this way pulled like children
memories play out as I gaze,
remembering the gentle days
of torn pretty papers and bows
and the box that was always found
holding the sweetness
in circles.
How something has shifted
deep within as we struggle through nights
chaotic nightmares follow us like wolves and sheep
till we wake at dawn
under the moon lights lamp,
wondering at the thoughts
that made the heart thunder
like summers in the sky above.
We always chose favorites
then and now our tastes changing
and the cherry red has moved
to the calming cream of coconut,
scents inspiring the soul to dream
of yesterdays once more.
The sugar on the tongue
making the medicine go down
in a delightful way day after day,
we circle round to reinvent,
finding ourselves pulled to the moments
where joy lived
and housed in pretty boxes
once a year given,
brings a quiet light and laughter
to the wondering heart.

A strange night of heart wrenching nightmares and a beautiful morning walk, cool and peaceful. Balance of life I suppose. I went to do some shopping and usually I abhor the idea of Christmas intruding when Halloween has just ended….way too early, but I drifted down the seasonal candy aisle and was tickled pink to see the lifesaver Christmas boxes. Remembering how I had gotten one every year in my stocking as a child, and I didn’t think they even made them anymore. Of course they were across from the Halloween inspired kids cereals on clearance, but no, I did not buy any scary apple jacks or boo berries….nor did I buy the lifesavers. Do they even make coconut flavored ones anymore? Things that go through my mind. Sweet ❤