Food haiku (pizza)

Large slice of comfort
elegantly dressed for me
a toast to pizza.

Hot melted cheese runs
chasing hunger to despair
deliver it please.

Round orb of delight
pepperoni and cheese please
get it here pronto.

I am always blessed
this pie that I love the best
happy meal of joy.

Taste buds will quiver
anticipation finds me
tomorrow too, please?

Pizza party Florida grilling

With the demise of our propane regulator and not getting our selected stove in for a week, it becomes grill city for hot food, or microwave magic? Which is limited. So what’s a foodie to do? Pizza party outdoor style of course, just thought you’d enjoy some pics of our dinner from the grill. Margarita and a white clam pizza and with one extra crust, a combo of clam with dashes of homemade red sauce.

Had to skip the fresh mozzarella as it melts all over the stone, grill is over five hundred degrees, outdoor temp around ninety, equals hot, hot hot!

Finished product, thin crust, lighter cheese than you’d get on a take out pie, olive oil, garlic, onion, chopped clams and Italian hard cheese grated blend. Yumminess and enough for several meals in case you wondered….we did not eat it all in one sitting….and last but not least, my hubby being beautifully funny….a pic taken for the guys at work back home….it makes me smile. Welcome to our world, Bon apetit.

What’s better than…..

Peeps, get your minds out of the gutter.

i am here to talk about food, yep, food. And not just any food, but hubs BBQ variety.

now I know you all are thinking ribs, steaks, or smoked meatloaf, but you would be wrong.

Today we are here to make you hungry.

So, what’s better than a Weber grill? Hmmmm? Any guesses?

A Weber grill that cooks, you guessed it, perfect pizza.



Yes, yes, that’s right , a pizza cooker. Num num I bet you’re saying….so we have worked with the homemade dough,slathered on some fine Italian sauce, some mozzarella , Margherita fine pepperoni, some lovely Penzey spices, and some awesome chunks of hunk a hunk a burning wood. Yeah baby, real live fire….hint, please do not try this indoors, that is another story completely. So you take your tasty Za and viola:

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Okay, now guess what? What’s even better than that you may ask? How about TWO pizzas?

And yes, on this same grill we then cooked a fine concoction of , and I know you’re thinking out there, REALLY? But yes, really, grapes, smoked blue cheese,rosemary,olive oil, garlic, blend of hard Italian cheeses and enough lip smacking love to make a school boy blush.

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Yep, threw that sucker on there too. Ten minutes per pie, rotate, rotate, are you getting dizzy yet? Rotate some more and smell that goodness as it fills the neighborhood with awesomeness…too bad no neighbors live close enough to “drop in just to see what’s cooking”. And that my friends is what you call a proper dinner for two plus lunch the next day. Better than a pizzeria and one quarter the price.

and I bet you thought I was gonna talk about sex or something. Nah, this is even better…well, almost, but oooh it’s so good!



Okay,go away now, I don’t like to talk with my mouth full and no I’m not sharing!

peace and love and married to the awesome Chef who buys these nifty things so that I can actually say I helped to cook dinner for once or twice. Ten years in a pizzeria did teach me how to stretch a pretty pie.