Queen of goodness and light

Are you out there somewhere

in your faraway land

where stars twinkle at night

and fairy tale wishes float on air.

Are you the princess of the manor

or the queen of the stately castle

all alight for the party of life,

belle of the ball,

masked and beautiful.

Are you the woman who shops at the stands

on streets of vendors, fruit and vegetables

and fresh bread steaming from corner store doors.

Are you the magical witch casting spells

of loveliness on all you meet

and those who strain to hear

your wise words and laughter.

Are you the girl with the dreams of good things,

of deserts and oceans and sand between toes,

are you the whimsical child who sends love filled

With smiles and joy

the gracious soul that gives this world light,

the lantern, the keeper of the moon

the goddess of all that is beautiful.

About a dog

This is a short story that I just finally had to write about. Not my usual fare but here goes.

When I was a child I loved Snoopy (the cartoon beagle). I don’t mean just plain old childhood love, I mean the real deal. I had the sheets, the pajamas, clothes, stuffed toys, watched every cartoon on every holiday religiously (back before we had Beta Max and dvd’s) as it was so very special. Just that one viewing a year. Not over and over again like kids nowadays. I loved dogs and I loved snoopy!!! My gravitar when I attempted to start my blog was of course, Snoopy. My father was a hunter and as a child I was not allowed to play with the beagle or other hunting dogs, lest they be deemed not hunting worthy and a many a dog did not come home from his trips. Not until I was older did I realize where these dogs went to, and that makes me sad for them. But I had snoopy. Every year for holidays and my birthday I received in the mail a beautiful snoopy card signed by who else, but Snoopy of course. These cards were the first ones opened and I would get the biggest smile. Every year I got one, until the day I didn’t . It was my birthday and I was going into the teen years. I trekked to the door to get the mail but alas, no card. I was upset. What had I done to not deserve my card? My grandmother had passed away that spring and with a hint from my mother, I realized that all those years, it was my grandmother sending them, and now she was gone. I would get no more cards. SIGH. And then a wonderful blogger found me and every few days sends me a cute snoopy picture. They make me smile and brought back to me this tale that I thought I would share with you. I am truly blessed. People come into your life for a reason and quirky things happen to make a day brighter, universal nudges I like to call them.

I still have one card saved from Easter. The last holiday before my birthday. I think I will dig it out and touch those penned wishes with a fondness today, knowing that beautiful things happen and friends are truly a blessing and I thank you for listening to my ramble about a dog. And a hearty thanks to my pal Woodstock.

Free smiles (Pavlov)

I see the faces

grey and gloomy

like a dark noir Hollywood movie

sinister plots

and angry souls

I stop to look in the mirror

Don’t want to become

silent faced puppets

falling into the grinder

of another sullen day,

FREE smiles I say.

Give one away maybe two or ten,

Because it doesn’t matter when

but I do believe now is a good time to start.

just send it from the heart,

from me to you

I will start the trend

all done, repeat

lets begin again.

The people are responding

a smile in return

there goes the bell, break time,

wow would you look at that,

Everywhere I see smiles looking back at me.

Now I can smile too, see what a little nudge

and a bell can do?