Connecting color

Skies weave lights
waiting for stormy moments,
connecting color across the trees
and leaving me to wonder.
What pushes the balance
locked between two places
riding the line to find
solace in the coming times.
Frenzied minutes pass from dark to light
and I stand beneath the maelstrom
waiting for the passing of the rain,
drip drip against my forehead
as I stare at the beyond and wonder,
will this cleansing change the world?
Hopelessly hopeful
each new day that finds me stirring
my words like broth in a cup,
I sip on the tepid brew
and wish for ice chips to cool the soul.
Rainbows and wonder once stole my heart
and now these days they’re far and few,
but I stand still and wait
anticipating the greater things
at the end of the road.

The one thing I adore about where I live is the skies that come so alive during storms. Occasionally I glimpse a rainbow, and for that, I am grateful.

Beyond dreamland

There lies a place,
tucked within the smallest crevice
where dreams come to play in the deep of night.
We linger and whisper to the stars
our tiny secrets of the heart
for shouting aloud to hear my now
was never the way of the skies.
I lay below the field of wonder
and quench my heart of love found high,
in the name of all,
I know the truth will conspire
to witness the falling of miracles.
For in the space between here and now
there is a blip of sound that can be heard,
from the universe that always hears
the faintest whisper of a feather falling,
it holds us in the warm embrace
and shelters the soul
in the arms of clouds,
and delivers with a gentle nudge,
the strength to carry us along.

Still flying high on the excitement of the book release and tomorrow the ebook will release on Amazon. For those who need the link, here you go my friends ❤

Where have you been…an update

We travel the distance,
catching the tail of the wind
that spirals through the wilderness
on our way through unchartered lands,
we find ourselves as the journey unfolds, 
and so much more than we ever thought
follows us through to new days waiting,
We become whole and complete.

Good morning my friends.
I’ve recently been quite MIA from the poetry world
as I pursued the act of writing a full fiction novel.
What a whirlwind experience it has been,
and I am proud and happy as the dream has been fulfilled.

On Sunday, my work of fiction ”Tales From The Thrift” was released on Amazon. it clocks in at 293 pages and it’s a story that pretty much like my poetry, wrote itself.

It was a labor of love that began in March and I’m already letting the wheels turn on the sequel. Thank you for being patient as I dipped my toes in the water with the publishing world. I see many more books in my future, what a thrill and experience that allowed growth to this poets mind.