
Untethered we come undone

spiral strings of a thousand colored thoughts

passing into a beautiful  pile

something new created from a mind

unwound/unbound and set free.

An image drifts in

as if through the open window in a storm

blowing/bouncing about the walls

like tiny bubbles floating as I pluck each one out

the thin air allows it to hang

for just a moment

before it disappears.

I think of the scent of lemon zest

or perhaps orange and I feel the emotion

settle like dust to the floor,

where is it these random ideas form

as I follow the string from beginning to knot

I find myself transfixed on the shades and hues

of life seen through the eyes

of a mere girl left pondering

what was it that got away in the second that passed

and where is the meaning

in a wayward scent imagined.

How deep the mind can delve

when let loose to find its path

and the day still blossoming before me

I know the swings and shifts

as I tug gently on the string

will only lead me to the hanging end

where I can casually ball it back up,

tucking it away for a creative day

to throw it out there,

let it unfurl

and begin again.