Long lost poet

Ah, the craziness that life brings,
playing in the stratosphere of imagination
I get lost amongst the tallest dreams
that rise like trees
in the forest.
Thick and rich with depth,
overflowing like the rain that falls,
filling a river in the wild,
I pluck the flowers of the minds garden
and build a bouquet of goodness,
and content with the creation,
rest easy at the end of the day
and rise to greet tomorrow
with a grateful heart.

Good morning friends,

As you can see here, I’ve been busy again in the publishing world. My newest creation, Diary of a Middle-Aged Mermaid, arrives via E-book on Saturday, August 3rd, and the paperbook should go live on Monday, August 5th.
The wheels have already been set in motion for the sequel to Tales From The Thrift and are chugging along nicely. I want to say thank you for any of you out there who have purchased the E-book or paperback version, or downloaded the Free Kindle Unlimited version of Tales From The Thrift. It is your support that keeps me motivated and uplifted in spirit, and for that, I most humbly thank each of you.

11 thoughts on “Long lost poet

  1. Congratulations on your second book! I agree — great title! Which I’ll promptly order. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for your recent visits–which felt like the most yummy medicine possible.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m loving this new aspect and these stories virtually write themselves. The mermaid one is more polished and professionally edited too. I’m having fun, and sorry to miss you in Aug๐Ÿ˜ข

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....