Shine on

Thoughts and dreams polished
By years of light and space
Tripping over spaces
Cobblestone worn
By faceless forms moving about
On their journey.
Highs and lows
Each different and unique
To the soul that treads
And the wheels hiccup with each turn
Moving forward
Shining on.
Who came before
And travelled these images,
Who smoothed the edges that fragmented,
Keeping safe from the sharpness
That slices this life open
Spilling sweat and oil
Buffing in once more
Giving a glistening hue
As rains falls beading
And sliding soundlessly down
Like a river through the path
Of mortar.

I dreamt last night of cobblestone streets and for some reason the image refused to fade even hours later….and so this piece from a bumpy mind this fine cool morning.