Phantom mirage

We can not always see

that which may be before us

caught in the shadow of a moments that slips

into itself and then into the hour full,

we weave a million thoughts in a heartbeat

like dreams remembered upon waking,

hazy recollections of this and that,

strange sensations of being there yet not

caught in the vortex of a mind so tired

we slip into ourselves like a well worn shoe,

feeling the imprint of where we’ve been

yet sensing where it is we are traveling to,

when we slip into the scene

we become the phantom mirage

poised on the verge of becoming

clearer with each passing smile and word,

understanding more than we can express

as we move through the jungles of this space

we gather our cloak about us,

our wistful shadow that always follows

wrapped around like the softest hug

we take those steps into the mirror of time

and hear the silence of a heartbeat so strong.

Beautiful photo by: Gerry van der Walt