Essence of yesterday

I have been here
I have ridden you
My steed,
Through countryside
And ocean shores
Through wilderness of passing dreams
We were one
Cantering across the night plains
Through shadowed trees
On moon filled nights,
I stroked your mane
And held tight
My face on your neck
Inhaling your scent.
I gave you a name
Our secret
I cannot tell now
What that had been
Too far gone
Forgotten somewhere In the back
Of my mind
Where childhood dreams went to reside
Left in shadows alone.
But for those moments
There was only us,
The stars our guide
And behind that cabin
We rode tall grasses hidden from view
Of the other children
Playing games,
We had other things to do,
Cowgirl and horse
Princess and steed,
Ah those dreams….
You made me believe
That I was strong
You made me your master
And dubbed me
The cherished horse
Of magic.

Strings of life

One for each
Tear drop that fell
Hanging on strings
Silent wind chimes
No sound heard.
One for each dream
Suspended on air
Waiting to move
To be heard.
One for each time
A heart was broken
Slender line
Space in time
Now healed.
One for each life
Linked one to another
A universal thread
Moving in the breeze
A voice united.

The Keeper (having flown)

Winter spring wind
Flown off his post,
the keeper slammed
To the ground,
Saved from loss
He stands safe
Casting shadows
In late day sun
He greets those who enter
With a downward glance,
Light and dark
Carved through time
He is the man of many visions
Of those who came,
Like the shadow
Moving by the moment.