
I found you had come to bed the other night
Curled up in my spot that I had left warm,
I tried to move you over so gently but you barely moved so
I tucked in beside you.
You rested your head next to mine,
Your breath warm on my neck. I laid my arm
Gently over you to keep you from falling off the side
And you snuggled in closer,
Your tongue warm against my cheek you gave me
The sweetest kiss.
Your body warm next to mine,
You smelled of earth, of spring rain.
I love you so, but this will not work
I thought as I tried to fall back to sleep,
Uncomfortable in this position
Yet savoring this moment of peace.
You looked up at me with that look in your
Eyes of understanding as I gently pushed
You away.
With a growl, you moved away most likely angry.
I fell back to sleep and hoped you would
Get over it and not be mad in the morning.
I felt sorry for my action but it had to be.
This bed just isn’t big enough for two dogs,
Three cats and a husband.
The husband gets to stay.

a Single grain

We are each one
A Tiny speck,
A piece of sand
Moving together
In waves towards the sun
Towards a future,
Not quite insignificant
But as we come together
Rippling in unison
Languid almost
Each curve
Like a face unique
Or a shape simple
In and of itself
We create beauty
When captured
Just being.
You are the dune
And our feet sink in your warmth
As we walk on
Your breeze smooths over
Our remnants
Our past
And we are fresh
Still moving
Still drifting

Points of light

If we were
For each day
A light so bright
Shining on one person
And that one person shown
Their light on another person
And another
And another
This world would be so bright and filled
With amazing light
Darkness would never come.
We would be In awe
Of the glare
That all together as one,
we would Drown the universe
In millions of tiny lights
Equal to the uncountable stars .