Peace floating

Thoughts lay in tiny bubbles

color of worlds imagined deep within

meditate the way into the dreams

set free the dark in the silence of a fast beating heart.

Latent ideas waiting to be tapped

with a gentle push they fly higher

catching the wind and disappearing into the thinness,

she softly whispers her wish into the night.

Hours pass in a solitude

not quite confined yet trapped momentarily by images

yesterday and the fast paced beat of the fear

to consume or expel into the light

there is only one way to go.

She wears the scars of a thousand battles

invisible to the eye of those who peer within

the balm of time is the salve to heal

and the holes will close

leaving only a faint remnant behind,

of a day in the life better left forgotten

like dust motes scattered

and soundless they blow

into the eternity of space and energy,

watching the specks disappear

and tucking away the memory

of release.

15 thoughts on “Peace floating

  1. thank you so kindly Jeffrey, I needed the mental break, to float in my mind and it brought me a lot of peace once I got it all out on the keyboard, and I love the pic so that helps ❤


  2. I needed it, I’ve had that pic forever and it just calmed me like a thousand bubbles of lavender floating…it helped me for what I most needed. Glad you enjoyed and thank you Magarisa☮💕💜🕉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks so much Sue,
    I was gazing at my girl Chi who just had her stitches out and who looked so forlorn and sad with all the seepy holes where the strings had held, drugged out just to see the vet but they said she was 100% better…perhaps the knock out meds I had to feed her…..had to carry her to the car, 54 lbs of zonked pup….I think I’m more sore than she is now😊 and I’m glad you enjoyed it🙏🏻💜

    Liked by 1 person

  4. An amazing poem Kim..
    Loved these lines
    “She wears the scars of a thousand battles

    invisible to the eye of those who peer within

    the balm of time is the salve to heal

    and the holes will close”

    Fabulous Image.. Enjoy your week ❤

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....