We glitter like

Through words spoken
pieces of glitter like sparkling stars
can never litter
in their joyful beauty,
cascading shine beneath the sphere of lives
always seeing that which stands
before in goodness
we bask in the reflection of sincerity.
Life passes like a shooting glow
streaking past as we try so hard
to hold onto the tail of the comet,
reliving our youth
science fiction double features
we laughed and cried and sang along,
never knowing why but living alive
in that moment as we looked around
realizing we are all so different
yet not so very apart,
gathering the belongings of our upbringing
we moved like hobos for the exit
stage right or wrong
we knew something was waiting
just beyond the door,
another night
another show
always new and different
but the soul never changed
as the curtain fell,
somewhere there would be a light
over at that special place
where the good times never seemed to end.

23 thoughts on “We glitter like

  1. cool front coming in soon, although FINALLY got the air on….hubby said just say the word….when enough’s enough, it’s time to bring in the electrical forces ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Takes me way back! Great fun and sobering, too. As in…
    “Life passes like a shooting glow
    streaking past as we try so hard
    to hold onto the tail of the comet,
    reliving our youth”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. was feeling a little rocky horror frame of mind, had saved the image ages ago, waiting for the right words, mood to incorporate it, so glad you enjoyed it โค


  4. I adore the spring here, when the jasmine fills the air and the night skies wait clear for an excellent view of the stars, just need to get down to the beach to catch a sunset more often and catch the tail of light before it disappears into the gulf โค

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....