
Mixed hues of indigo

pulling forth from the dampness,

the simmering clouds

of a gathering storm,

mind twists with winds of time

triumphant in the learnings

of letting go of needing it all.

Left the few behind like shooting stars,

too fast to keep up the speed

stopping beneath the swaying branches

of a thought that sought peace.

New colors and voices of the invisible

standing, waiting for the beginning once more,

taking the stage at intermission

to slip in and stand in the light

for just a quick second and take a bow

to those still seated,

not ready for the end of the act

but knowing there was always more to come.

Universe changes the known

into the new and unexplored moments

we find ourselves a part of like a grand surprise,

flowing into the life that has become

the flavor of the day

on indigo backdrop we spatter the words like glistening stars,

waiting for the sign

that we are heard.

I wish to thank you my friends for your patience lately while I’ve become quite caught up in the whirlwinds of life, friends in to visit for a week, work kicking up the schedule with more hours and trying to work in practice on the watercolors for the next class. A new color purchased, indigo, I am in love with its shades and what I can create with a sky. I miss you all, am playing a bit of catchup, but you are never far from my thoughts ❤ with love and blessings and as always, thanks for sticking around. Kim

12 thoughts on “Indigo

  1. did some more practicing today, soon grasshopper, soon ❤ enjoy the beach, I went today, felt good to have the toes in the sand and found more sharks teeth too, a relaxing inspiring and now puffy clouds overhead kind of day. Back to work tomorrow ❤


  2. So much to love here! I especially love these treasures that have jumped out and called my name: Triumphant in the learnings of letting go…to enjoy finding ourselves part of a grand surprise!

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....