Dear sweet summer

I write this to let you know

how very much your presence is missed,

I know you were distracted when you were here

and your visit cut short due to pressing fronts

from the North, the time came when you had to leave.

it doesn’t make it that much easier.

the night grows dark so quickly when you are not here,

I miss your warmth,

the way you gave us a smile and laughter

long past bedtime.

you were the life of each party when you showed up,

I understand how you can be quite busy and for this I forgive.

please say you’ll return soon,

I miss my shorts and tee’s,

the dogs miss long evenings outside playing in the pond,

without you the hummingbirds seem to have disappeared,

maybe they went with you? Yes, that must be it.

anyway, I just wanted to let you know

just how much you are loved and missed.

like I said, come back soon, stay awhile and no offense,

but we grew weary of your pal the rain so he can keep his grey ass at home this time,

if you don’t mind.

also enclosing the key so you can let yourself in just in case I am not home.

yours truly,

the world.

Infinity for a moment

Walking along the water

the boat waiting to carry away,

the child self wandering the landscape

imagination awaits the journey

to live among the stars.

Knowing each one as a friend,

hands reach up to touch

the sparkling lights of the night,

a gift of the muse through color

purple skies stretching

like a blanket on the world.

Water ripples  as fingers trail along

feeling the wetness warm in the hands,

cupped for a taste

twinkling reflected and swallowed

thirst quenched and magic ingested

to become a part of the whole

that is everything the eyes see

and that which we are not attuned to,

the invisible we feel

yet know it is so important

to include it all in the making

of a moment of perfection.

The boat moves forward as the form grows smaller,

one particle among a million,

infinity a raft we ride

softly swaying

on the waves that are this life.