Clarity of light

Through pages I travel
Each path constructed
With thought and energy
And words mark each step
Leading to the clarity
And the light.
I balance my step on beams
Parallel existence found
On levels of awake and sleep
Where a dream casts shadows
And a song the only piece remaining.
The sun lies between clouds
Two shelves filtered
And the space between
Night and day reach out
Red splendor of another image in life.
I listen to the sounds
Beyond in the forest of coolness
Dampening my brow and the peace
Quietly caressing my senses
Alive in the light
The clarity of your words
Give me crumbs to follow
Into the bliss
Of dawn.

11 thoughts on “Clarity of light

  1. You’re extremely prolithic! Your poem was capturing! The photo is also amazing! You get 3 stars… Thank you for a great treat! You have a wonderful mind :O)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah day filled with light….woke up with the song royals in my head. I knew I was dreaming but the only thing left remembered was a song, then to see the sun awakening, so magical. Thank you and I am so very glad you enjoyed it😊☀️

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....