this and that

Wet on wet

color thrown about like random thoughts

little here and little there

a bit of this and that.

Salt falls on puddles random like rain

and we never know in the end

what will remain of our pieces of self

washing back and forth

steady movement forming rainbows of peace

and I gaze to the jasmine beyond

knowing it’s one step closer to understanding

and life will keep moving

like wet paint on soft cotton,

smooth and flowing

or beautiful in the accidental splash

of a word cast on the world,

it all falls down as we let ourselves go

to flow into the rhythm

of another hour passed by

unaware of it all

except the here and now.

More time today practicing with my watercolors, I’m thinking I may turn into the tie dye queen of art yet 🙂 but loving it and always learning with each stroke, surprised at times by what comes from a blank slate.

29 thoughts on “this and that

  1. thanks Sue, just now posted my sea turtle from my last class for now, a little touchup still needed but I do think it’s my favorite piece for now 🙂 I see many more creations in my future 🙂 peace and blessings to you my friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s truly beautiful. Have you been painting long? It looks like you have😊💕 your work has an elegant flow to it⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


  3. Thank you Sheldon, escaping to it daily as I can😊💕 tough week here between work and class….next week tapers down a bit for good, yay😊💕🕉☮


  4. Was that the white bird? But you’ve always nice art on your beautiful blog. If it was the white one, I did see and admire, I often have them in my yard…they always have wide wary eyes…watching😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your watercolors are beautiful, poetry as well. I recently posted a watercolor that I did a few years ago. Congratulation on your work. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That was super wet cotton paper with multi wet color dropped in, and then pink Himalayan salt…a floral pattern emerged….lots of fun to do, and I like that one best too😊☮💜


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