Storm of morning

Flashes cover the darkness
As lightning fills the skies
Illuminating tall trees
As the rain moves in slowly
Falling down around me.
I stand transfixed as the throb
Of a sound encompasses the humid air
And the hairs on my arms stand
And they energy moves
In waves.
Here and there
Then everywhere the lights move through
Like a disco float that moves
Carrying the images
Now slipping away
As quick as it came
As sun rise burns away
Residual effects of this storm
And silence again reigns
This moment.

I could not get a good shot of this mornings storm but it left me feeling eager for the future and the storms we will see off of the ocean, so chose this off the Internet as I found it quite lovely this fine morning.

18 thoughts on “Storm of morning

  1. Thank you Michael, I love storms,,the way they build up on the air the let loose and then he winds calm and peace fills in the space where the concert of nature had filled😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You’ve captured the beauty and power of the scene masterfully here. I was reminded of the way thunderstorms dance across space, shaking the whole of it around in its grasp. It’s amazing how the air cools, the ozone arrives, and all hell breaks loose, and then as you say… silence returns…


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, I shall see what FLA brings, I anticipate some frightening storms…I’ll keep,watching in the meantime for more of your lovely words my friend😊


  4. Moving from WNY to Missouri was a wakeup call, weather-wise. They really know how to throw a thunderstorm at you, this way – and not just occasionally. Lightning struck a tree just 20 feet from my kitchen window, tearing a 40 foot streak through the bark to the ground and toasting my internet cable. I wish the inspiration to write would come as often as thunder and lightning, here.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Days of bliss with sun, lightning and this morning a gorgeous full moon hanging like a ripe white peach in the sky. How’s the writing going? Must be topsy turvy down there these days too⚡️. Have an amazing day, K

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Me too, the vibration like the world being shaken by the fists of invisible gods, like clearing an etch-a-sketch, cleansing and energizing😊⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️💧💦

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