A morning with Salvador

We wander the walls intent on seeking

the measure of the mind of madness,

oils on canvas watch us watching them

the brush strokes of genius

as baskets of bread long to be touched

to feel the harsh crust

and smooth out the napkins below.

Walls of color fill the senses

with awe and wonder of the man

from a child to death we move through your life

corridors rich with your gifted touch,

haunted in a sense with a wink and a twirl

of the stache that wove the face,

that became the artist’s image

even when no longer present.

Swirling pieces blow the mind

as collages draw us in deeper to find

the whimsy and imagination of a mind

inspired to change,

to create the masterpiece

as time melted on tables

and angels came near,

you look over your shoulder as if to say,

come, stay awhile and see

what dreams can create

and the hand that drew the world

as only he could.


“Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision” Salvador Dali





Spent the afternoon at the Salvador Dali Museum in Saint Petersburg. What an amazing collection and fascinating man and artist. Simply in awe. WOW! All photos taken by me…sorry for some blurriness….a busy place.

10 thoughts on “A morning with Salvador

  1. Thanks Paol, glad I could find you and yes, it does explain so much…set free the shakles and let loose with the creativity, sense be damned, right? Ha, peace and love, K


  2. He is awesome, and I was thinking of you and your art while looking at some of his collages. A brilliant study of his work through the years from the age of 12 on. Priceless indeed ❤


  3. the museum was incredible, and outside they had a garden dedicated to Frida Kahlo…beautiful and so filled with peace ❤ I adore art and have always loved Salvador…glad I could spend the time…so much to see….so incredible ❤

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