breaking dawn

We stand in quietest thought

watercolor skies fill the soul with a peace,

tranquility knows what the heart feels

as the water lays smooth at my reach.

Boats bob gently in the harbor

old worn lines tether her to the dock

as birds walk without a sound

long slender necks dip below the ripples

gathering their morning food

and I watch the hues wishing

for paper and paint to capture the sight

greeting me with a proper good morning shine

reflected off the fin

as dolphins swim towards the places

where the sun will rise

and I too will be there to greet the light

rocking on the green blue water

anticipation for the day to come,

we move into the waiting sea

balancing our bodies

and quenching our souls

with visions of this breaking morning paradise.

Went fifteen plus miles out fishing yesterday on a boat on the Gulf of Mexico, caught a few, tossed back a few, and managed to keep my stomach in check so as to not embarrass myself as a sea-tosser of yesterdays supper. A good day, caught some color too and after six hours, decided I must be getting old as I needed a proper nap to catch my energy back up. The boat and some ocean pics. All photos by me 🙂




20 thoughts on “breaking dawn

  1. Thanks Infinite,
    I find we often enjoy the same sense of peace in our writings,
    Or the endless pursuit of it at the very least.
    Peace and love to you and thank you,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. it was spectacular, and there was a white bird standing in the shallows feeding, too far away to get its picture but it was so quiet and peaceful (till the big smoke belching boat fired up)
    thanks Mags ❤ the pup is almost back to normal too, yay. Thanks for your prayers my friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....