Working in Oz…..

She walks in the door
Greetings abound
Strange world
Different dimension
The people are mean
Cranky galore,
What happened to the magic
On the other side?
She walks the yellow line
Reminiscent of roads
Splattered with oil
And busy bees
Mopping with water
Not mixing well
She holds her balance
Almost slipping.
She goes to the wise one
Too busy
Too busy
Now shoo……
She walks away.
VIP coming
Must make way
Make it pretty
Why now,
Why not everyday.
Lack of caring
Leaves her down
This was once so fresh
Now old and worn.
Back to the office
No VIP there
Break time
They laugh
Singing songs
Pass the time
Time to go
Time to go.
Here comes the witch,
You had better all run
And be quick.
Flying monkeys flood the doors
Smelling of
Cigarette smoke and cold air
It hangs and lingers
She wrinkles her nose
As she runs.
Is it time to go home
To the cute little dogs
To her people
To a good place?
There’s no place like home
From a crappy day at work.
She grabs her broom
She’s gone baby gone.

4 thoughts on “Working in Oz…..

  1. Glad you enjoyed…just another working day in a place that at times seems like another world …ready to unleash my flying monkeys:) a sign on my desk…I’m he good witch too!!!!


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