Not yet…

The sleeves had grown longer as the sun settled down

air windy and brisk

after a balmy Fall sun,

feeling the changes

as life rearranges

my thinning blood into water so cool.

Freezing in slumber no heat in the keep

for tomorrow the sun rises

to warm us poor sheep

and snow in the North is a long thought away

just keep it up there forever I say.

No ice on the oranges

no frost on the limes

I can’t eat the grapefruit so I think those are fine,

I bundle my bod in my clothes from the chest-

never thinking I’d need them till February at best.

Off with the hounds at a mushers fast pace

they love this cold weather and to the squirrel tree they race

as I muddle along with a curse on my tongue

“not yet” screams my thoughts

as they try to keep warm, no sound is heard yet

from my cold frozen tongue.

On Apple, on Chi bag there’s vermin to chase

and off to the black top

eight paws running wild

as I sing the poor song from Rocky to lighten my mood

and hubby with camera now captures me and the brood

as the sun rises up

she takes off the warm cap

and smiling at last does one final lap,

then into the house for the breakfast that waits

on a cold November day she will trot off to work

and sell the new favorite on a day like today

Peanut butter chocolate decadent gelato

not sure how many takers they’ll be

as I’m sure as I stand in the frozen food aisle

I’ll look perky like oranges

with a frozen happy smile 🙂

Having a bit of fun today, woke to the bedroom at 67 degrees and a brisk 46 degrees outside. Expected to see frost on the pool at least, thank heavens it wasn’t to be, but out comes the Buffalo hat to keep the lid warm….I almost kept it on for the whole walk….almost….Got a lot of interesting expressions from the drivers heading to work, but the girls are Loving the cold… off to sell Gelato. Brrrrr…..stay warm folks and keep that nasty snow to yourselves please, and thank you.
