Bowl of memory

Running fingers on smooth edges
dipping in to the emptiness to find
the dust of faded thoughts and memories
lingering just out of reach.
Smooth blue skies call to the waking soul,
walking in unison to the mornings first breath
as dew hangs on air
cool breeze ruffles cotton playfully,
slipping its fingers whisper-like in
to touch the skin
easing the fire.
Round in circles like birds in flight
floating on clouds they slip on air
and I rehearse the mantra of a new day
from pages studied with a feverish need
dipping into the bowl of memories
to wash clean.
Empty and spotless
the inhale and exhale of yesterday,
letting it slip from existence to new form,
invisible waves gather and I watch
through wake and sleep as the tides rush out
taking away I find the peace,
truth and trust
my release.

13 thoughts on “Bowl of memory

  1. Thank you so very much, I always aim to spread peace and calm through all I do, glad it’s working๐Ÿ˜Šโ˜ฎ๐Ÿ•‰peace and blessings, K


  2. I found a lot of brilliant lines in this poem!!! And the choice of the image is just amazing to me. I really enjoyed how your words play with the visual of that image yet mean a whole lot deep within.

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Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....