He brings me flowers….

Flitting about like a butterfly,

Here and there

So much to do

For soon they come

And it must be perfect,


And I stop and breathe,

Taking in sweet jasmine air and remember

It doesn’t have to be

So hard, so perfect,

And I laugh for the despair that’s now replaced

With calm resolution,

It is what it is

And it’s all good.

The rumble beyond as I know he’s returned

And I scurry about

Eagle eyeing each and every thing

And still I wonder what it is that drives

The lunacy

For we are enough,

This is enough

And through the door with a burst of hot humid air he comes,

Bags of things needed

For perfection

To make it just so

And a brown bag of flowers gently handed over,

Just for you he says with a smile

And I remember again 

At these moments when inadequacies filter in

That’s why the right touch

Of love,

Of beauty,

Of everything will always be enough

And I cradle each stem gently

Trimming the necessary amount

A purple mason jar gift much loved

The vessel to bring even more vibrancy

And the sea turtles that swim below

And the bunny left from Easter I can’t quite put away yet,

Like a neon peep that brings me whimsy on cloudy days-

I place the beauty of the blooms in their home

By the window view

And I smile

Because he brought me flowers

And they’re perfect.

Just a thought to end the day for my amazing husband that always seems to remember the little things that matter to me when I’m a whirlwind of chaos, grounded in a mason jar garden, so happy and thankful for what each day brings.

Peace, love and endless blooms my friend…..and it’s never too late for a bunny too….and a sea turtle making its way to the sea😊🌹



Just a moment passing

A flickering of a light shines

From somewhere within,

Without settling,

Joined by others

Far away and near

This flickering increasing

Lighting the day with warmth

With love that moves

From wick to wick

Person to person

Reaching across the great expanse of that

Which is the heart

That beats steadily,

That loves unconditionally

That flickers to life each moment

A smile is given

And embraced like a hug.

Peace flows yet never douses the light,

Only intensifying to a blaze

To a bonfire that consumes and gives warmth

To those that ask

To those that whisper

Hello my friend,

Sit and stay awhile

Join me by my fireside

And we will embrace the moment

That is the here

And the now
