Salt of life

Carried on gentle breezes
thoughts rest quietly on the mind,
watered down and moving perpetually
back and forth this rhythmic life
tides changing course
as we slide into the warmth
of a new and beautiful day.
Places call to the soul
as salty breezes soothe the senses
grey clouds linger
giving a dark tint to the day,
a drop here and there
threatening with the oncoming storm
we move about unencumbered
living as we must
regardless of the outcomes,
ready and waiting
foot tapping gently to the sound
of a breaking wave below.
Easy laid back moments
watching as the earth moves around us,
with us as she must
for we stand steady and calm,
just another day in paradise
we wander the sand in solitary thought
feeling alive and whole
nourished by the echo
of our heart beating in time
sprinkled with seasoning
and glistening with a drop or two
of showers quenching the thirst
of a mermaids soul.

11 thoughts on “Salt of life

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....