
We are but so simple,

grains of sand on beaches near and far

mixed and matched and part of a greater whole,

reflective in beauty of a peaceful nature,

and waiting

to be built into castles

for we must do it together,

as you can not build with one little bit,

but to gather it all,

shapes and sizes,

textures and colors

we rise beneath the blue of a summer sky

and knowing we are only temporary,

at some point washed away into the shelf

beyond and under we wait

calm in knowing that with love

anything can be attained,

as we give away our treasures

heart shaped words and sparkling thought,

we imprint ourselves upon the world

across oceans and streams

we become bits and pieces

scattered and loved

like the footprints left then washed clean

we are a part of the whole

a grain

so strong.

19 thoughts on “Bits

  1. A profound piece.. Yes we are all separate parts yet, we are all made of the same stuff.. And are in this together.. May we learn to unify together and shift like the sands, to shine and be our brightest..
    Love and Hugs xx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I absolutely love this one, Kim. It’s needed…

    “we become bits and pieces

    scattered and loved

    like the footprints left then washed clean

    we are a part of the whole

    a grain

    so strong”

    Especially these lines above. Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....