
We fold the damp cool cotton over arms
hand over hand unfurling like flags
we drape the layers on thin lines
feeling the breeze catch on to the game,
billowing sheets flapping
the sound on a quiet day soothing,
knowing that later
as heads lay down to sleep
the scent of sunshine will release
gathering us in it’s loving hold
and whisk us off into Neverland
embracing simplicity
and the moments of life
we will dream into dawn
cradled in Earths essence
sweet and comforting
surrounding the soul.

Fresh laundry on the line, a pure and blissful comfort we embrace and the gift of being able to do it often, even better ❀

23 thoughts on “simplicity

  1. Lovely as always Kim. I know a lot of people who love the smell of clothes hung from a line…but only you can make such a boring task sound so dreamy! LOL
    Kisses 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. thanks Betty, it was a good nights sleep, when the dogs weren’t kicking me or walking on me πŸ™‚ silly things…not always the best sleeping companions….at least love stays on his side πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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