The stage is set (blue moon mood)

Sweet blue moon thoughts
Carry me down the road
You hang so low in an infant sky
Silver orb plucked
From the cosmic moment
To stand alone
Your ovation nearly complete
As the lights rise on this stage
Morning sun stealing in
Capturing the audiences gaze
As if to say “Look at me”
In your Red-yellow gaze
Vibrant cabaret,
Thunderous applause in song
Crows caw breaks the stillness
Perhaps in protest of losing the cover
Of darkness.
Circle round day after day
Yet sold out today
As the glistening grass gleaming
And moisture silver fog
Hangs low in the air
A treat for the senses
As I keep moving through
On my way to now.

Thoughts this morning on my commute with sun behind me rising, moon hanging on trying not to slip away quite yet and the fog that comes and goes like these passing thoughts. Photo taken with iPad so sorry for the not so great quality. Peace at dawn. Blessings, K

46 thoughts on “The stage is set (blue moon mood)

  1. Thanks K. I got so much positive feedback from my readers and tons of new followers. Don’t ever be worried about vocalizing your opinion about something. Just when I am worried people will think less of me for expressing my feelings, they respect me more.


  2. Writing is as art just like a Vincent Van High painting. Van high didn’t ask permission each time he passes his brush on the canvas so as should any great writer carve his or her words with as much precision as a Michelangelo Did when he turned marble into a beautiful work of art. A writer writes to express himself or herself and in doing so The reader Gains a deeper Meaning live his own experience Through it. Riders are powerful people because they can change lives, and enlighten otherwise dark pathways.
    You inspired me to write those words. I think I will quote myself on my Writer Blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I never look at it as competing, but I found if I did a post and didn’t get a lot of response on it I would take it personally. I’ve learned to let go and just be. I write better when I just write from the heart and not trying to impress 😊 it makes me more relaxed now and able to look at the bigger picture too. My little Zen approach to life and writing☀️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes it is a big, wide wonderful world. You want to stay always young inside and be constantly learning, growing becoming. …like a beautiful plant that blooms.

    Paulette Motzko


  5. Making note of that😊 for the longest time I thought my work was crap, then I let go of that limiting belief and just wrote what made me happy. It works out well and less stress. I rarely look at my stats anymore😊 that’s a good thing.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I started a FB poetry page before the blog and just sent you a friend request to like the page😊 I do all of my work with an IPad and need to switch to a computer to add Pinterest to my blog….it’s a big world out there😊 lots of outlets😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Confirmed this morning😊 I jump in and out of FB in the evening, went woods walking last night and enjoyed a lovely drenching rain, helps to sleep like a baby with the rain falling beyond the window💦😊

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ah, I thought it was used to follow rock stars and the like, get the latest update from the favorite personality,etc….I shall have to look into it. Heck, I just learned how to text😊

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks so very much, your keeping busy with your reading today I see. I so appreciate it and I feel so very blessed indeed. Have I told you I love you yet😊💜 smiles and sending peace and blessings my friend😊

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Funny, I was just outside and heard a tree fall in the woods and then an owl hooting….I hope those days last forever…we are but visitors to this world, we need to take better care. Peace and blessings my friend, K


  11. You’ve heard the saying: ‘Once in a blue moon.’ Well, we just had a blue moon! I wonder what causes them? Enjoyed how heart-felt your poem is! Keeps me in touch with my feelers :O)

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Beautiful poem and image. I saw the blue moon tonight and the moon was huge, golden and glowing and I almost drove down to the waterfront but responsibility called. Don’t envy the early start to your day xx Rowena

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Kim, your way with words continues to amaze & impress. You touched my heart this morning. I’m wishing that we were in Key West with the PIPs and could share a moment of deep connection.
    Keep on keeping on. Your words inspire!! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....