Moving mountains

Upon the rocks shifting
Thoughts move to images below
Glistening water filtering
Between the clouds of my day.
Stepping higher into the mind
Grasping stones to climb
Sun so close yet so far
I reach out to touch
The face of morning.
Stumbling yet moving forward
Muscles tested to tense and release
And the quivering of knowledge
Pushed to the point
Of wide open spaces
To free fall into the magnificence
That is life.
How I long to linger
In quiet spaces
To see the beauty of familiar faces
Weather worn as each day passes
Growing into the beauty of their souls
And magical wishes that
Everyday can be like this
And the truth in knowing
That it shall be.
To go so far
Touching the top of the sky
The blue that had seemed just too far away
Turn around to find
The middle ground of peace
And the journey along the way
Scattered with memories
Like each stone moved
To make mountains.