A flower grows

Like a thought born of dreams
The seeds planted by natures hand
Winter fodder dropped
Trampled into the earth so rich
Waiting for the heat
Of the summer mid day sun.
You rise
The gift of rain to soothe
To open the casing
The enabler to growth.
In meadows you stand tall
As each day awakens, you turn your gaze
To the rising orb
Stronger with each second that passes
A delight for the senses
As you gaze at me
Your beauty alight for the world to see
And in my mind you linger
The touch upon my brain imprinted
Serene days of a happy flower
A gift of nature
Thus given.
Oh these thoughts so simple,
Everyday moments stretched into a smile
Drifting days of autumn move closer
And I am honored with
Yellow petaled thoughts
On just another day
But a day that will not come again
And thus in itself
So very special.

11 thoughts on “A flower grows

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....