A to Z of me-slight poetic? form

I was chosen by Ivy to take part in the A to Z of me fun, as it is a new year, I don’t do awards but figured why not partake and let you all know a bit about ME 🙂 and do not feel like you have to read as I’m sure it will get a bit long-not normally me, but there’s a lot of letters to cover here so without further ado:


Ask me who I am and I will try to look inward to see

Beneath the surface so many things to tell you of

Chances are you already know from my words I spill

Delighted I am to try to unearth some more.

Elegia was one of my favorite songs, instrumental to soothe and inspire

Found solace with a broken heart to many more.

Grateful for the gifts I’ve been given, too many to count here

Happy to know Peace on many days

Idealist in form and a dreamer above all.

Just in case I lose my place, which happens more often than not,

Kim is my name and I live where the sun seems to suit my clothes and mind,

Love to write and spend time getting grounded

Maybe perhaps loves dogs a bit too much at times (smiles sheepishly)

Nocturnal no longer as age catches up, though I do love the moon and stars,

Open skies with clouds make me soar in my mind.

Particular with how I like things, de-cluttering being done of late-

Quests that I set aside often remain unfinished, working on that too.

Reality is just a word I take lightly, I’m a dreamer after all

So now you know what simmers below the surface, at least a bit.

Take heed with your words, for I leave mean people behind easily

Under their skins I know the spots never change,

Very forgiving for the most part, but don’t take advantage (see above)

When I need to escape, I’m quite the turtle at tucking in and swimming down deep.

Xtra sleep I find makes me tired, not enough makes me grumpy

Yes, I’m almost done, I think.

Zip is my alter-ego (dog of yesteryears) who still inspires infinitely.


So as you can see, I used the Alphabet and told you a little more about me. If you’d like to participate in this challenge, I’d love to see what you come up with, so please feel free to leave a link in the comments and I’ll stop on by and check yours out.



16 thoughts on “A to Z of me-slight poetic? form

  1. It seemed easier to me to come up with 26 sentences beginning with the letter instead of just 26 stand alone words without explanation. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂 it was lots of fun to do, you should give it a go and put in your link, would love to see what you come up with ❤

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