Storm tossed

We set aside these,

These thoughts of raging storms,

Storms of thought that blow in-

In to the soul causing destruction of self.

Selflessly we move forward to moments,

Moments like lighthouses shining,

Shining beacons we seek shelter from,

From storms that crash into our soul.

Souls speak the words like parting clouds,

Clouds that moments before that were choking-

Chocking the lifeblood out of our dreams,

Dreams that sat on the verge of truth,

Truth is all that’s left to set us free.

Free in peace from sandstorm pain,

Pain that pricked like a thousand needles,

Needles on sensitive skin and we hid-

Hid beneath the stairs that wound into the sky,

Sky that would be our salvation-

Salvation in its simplest form,

Form of clarity and calm.

Trying something a bit new, each sentence ends with a word and the next sentence begins with the same word….sometimes you just have to climb out of the box into the storm to see a new day. Hope it makes sense and enjoy. Peace, love and lighthouses. K

22 thoughts on “Storm tossed

  1. Thank you Sue, I’m thinking you’re becoming my number one fan, for that I thank you. Still waking up and we shall see what the prompt it today…almost done with NaPoWriMo…..but I think I will attempt to post daily still. Peace and love and it’s almost the weekend😎☀️K

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bravo! I love this one. What a great idea. You certainly know how to touch the soul and stir the senses. Thank you so much. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks Mary, I think I accidentally called you Katie in an earlier comment…my bad and horrid with names…it was a fun write and not too difficult, and I think in the future I may revisit it and tweak it a bit more. I’m glad you enjoyed it, sunny skies and calm waves here everyday since we got here, wouldn’t mind just a touch of rain but I know in the near future it will be coming….in the meantime, sunny pool days for me😎🌴☀️
    Peace and love,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is so cool, Kim. You make it seem so easy, and I’m quite sure it isn’t. Very powerful, this poem.
    Peace and calm weather,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you so much Patrice, I am so glad you enjoyed it. I was toying with new styles, seems to be getting good reviews, an unexpected pleasure for sure.
    Peace and blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you Elizabeth, I suppose I need to go tweak that now….I’ve moved to Venice Florida in March, enjoying the warmth and sun on my soul and loving it. Peace and love and a big thank you for this😊 always,

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you my friend,
    Felt a bit awkward and I still wasn’t quite satisfied with the finished product but was just enough to hit the publish button. I may Go back and tweak it down the road but for now, I shall let it shine its light😊 I’m so glad you enjoyed it,
    Peace and love,


  8. Yay, it’s funny I read till I was ready for a nap, I lay down and you wake from yours to find your happy stats going bonkers… is grand and I’m glad I could give a spark of goodness to your day as you have done for mine.
    Peace, love and coffee,


  9. Thanks Michael, it was fun to write and felt a bit strange in a way, a new style but I suppose if we don’t try new things, we never grow and I’m working on spreading the mighty pen a bit more these days and am even pleased with some of the results too😊 hope all is going good with book two…..I shall be first in line to buy it😊
    Peace and love, Kim

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you Michael, good morning too, yes, it was fun to write and I am glad I stretched the wings a bit and tried it😊 you’ve been on a roll yourself my friend, glad to see that and to see you too😊

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  11. Reblogged this on ANN JOHNSON-MURPHREE and commented:

    Western New York…the cold zone
    A poet. a child of the universe. blessed and gathering thoughts…check out Kim’s beautiful site.

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  12. Enjoyed this very much, Kim. I liked the repetition, how one becomes the next… the same but different. Seems there is something primal and true in that. A stepwise transformation…


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  13. Love it. I did something similar with a poem about war and it was almost as much fun to write as this one was to read. Bravo!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I often will re-publish a poem a wrote a while back, but will revise it, add to it, or change it a bit. I think it not only shows how we grow as poets, but also how our perspectives shift and change over time. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thanks Morgan, was just trying something a bit different, not sure if I am entirely happy with it, could use some tweaking in the future I think😊


  16. I do love the way you share what prompted or inspired you 🙂 I’ve written a poem similar to this once, and it is interesting because depending upon HOW you read it, the verse entirely changes 🙂 Way to think outside of that proverbial box!

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