Three day quote challenge-Day one

I was offered this challenge by T.Wayne over at The mission: To post three days consecutively a quote and nominate 3 other bloggers to join the challenge.
Now I’m not normally a big fan of these things, just ask anyone who has been kind enough to give me awards, ones that are still waiting to be officially accepted. I shall try my best to fulfill the goal, but you know me, so easily distracted by shiny things and beautiful dead men to write poems about. So without further babbling, my quote for today is:

“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today”

James Dean

I have always loved this quote and as a young girl was a huge fan of Mr. Dean. Later in life it moved to a fascination for the likes of Heath Ledger and Kurt Cobain (before they passed on),such a tragic loss of young talented men. But they lived the quote, squeezing out the breath out of life by pursuing their passion then dying young…seems I have a knack for picking them. In hindsight I think what drew me to them was something in their eyes that set them apart from others, something that shined in its sadness, almost as if to say, watch me fly. And then they were gone.

I hereby with the power invested in me, nominate the following to play if they so desire, and if they decline, well that’s cool too…but please, in the meantime, stop by and check out these awesomely fun places, drop them a line, say hello, and enjoy.

30 thoughts on “Three day quote challenge-Day one

  1. I changed it up and stopped nominating particular blogs, turned it into a do it if you wish. I hate putting people on the spot like that so feel free to do it, I look forward to seeing it if you do😊 your poetry is good, coming for a girl who writes free verse, I don’t follow poetry rules….I know a haiku and that’s about it😊 peace and love, K


  2. Pingback: How to Compose a Blog Award Presentation Page… | My Opinionsville

  3. Yup! Just needed confirmation. I’m working on something else right now, so I’ll need a few days. But sure. I could make something up for you ;O)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ummm..not at all, how ’bout you make it send it to me and I’ll dedicate it to you from me 🙂 i work on an Ipad which is limited at best for what I do…not a techno geek at all…. 🙂

    Kim Laettner



  5. Uhuh… How ’bout: ‘Superhero Award 2015’? Do you know how to make letters follow the inside of a circle? Are you propficient working in graphic applications?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. okey dokey, found him…now what do I do with him. I work on an ipad, not a computer that gives me more options for creation, unless I down load an app. How ’bout I I caption him and use him with reference to you as superstar, does that count?


  7. He’s in one of my posts on the other site, under the ‘Designs’ catagory I think. Check there first, and let me know if you find him…

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  8. I get distracted quite easily, started reading a book, A Course in Miracles and then dinner out, got home and was like, oh my, oops…..I don’t think anyone will mind or notice😊

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  9. No problem. Life can get in the way sometimes…if I hadn’t planned mine out, I definitely would’ve missed at least one day.

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  10. Yes, I see the tribal image in my brain waves…and a superhero in green you say, now I would love to see that….I like leotards on superhero’s and Mikhail Baryshnikov…does it look like him? Ah the thoughts in my head….very nice thoughts….indeed.


  11. A circle is infinite Infinite… And it denotes a joining in human terms: when joining hads, people are tribal, so they like to form a circle so everyone can see everyone. I have a green, nobody, superhero in cape and leotards. You can have him if I can hunt him dowm in my big, pile of electronic junk…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Awesome, maybe I shall choose you for today’s quote😊 or should have picked you for this one….I have two more to go…your poetry has grown so much since I’ve been following you, I look forward and smile when I see you in my mailbox😊 glad you enjoyed😊

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  13. I think with a super hero, there would be copy write infringement….all of the good ones are taken. Perhaps we can create a new one😊and why a circle?


  14. Yeah… Just make a circle. Get: ‘Poet’s Society Award to hug the top, and 2015 to hug the bottom, and a super hero in the middle. LOL!

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  15. No, that’s fine, I have it linked in with my gravitar…I can only send pics to responses with email….all good and thank you for asking. I’ve been out of the closet for awhile now, you can’t hide me🙃 I keep popping up🙂

    Kim Laettner


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  16. I am truly honored you have chosen me to participate. Where is the award I get if I win? I’d like to at least see if it looks cool or not…

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  17. What a great quote – I think I need to keep that one. And thank you, so much, for thinking of me and your supernice words! I did this one before and said I was gonna cut it out! But you’re the second person to ask me to do it in as many days…and I adore both of you! And quotes! So I may be convinced now. 🙂

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Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....