Within these moments

Complexity amongst simplicity
mind moves in slow motion unsure of direction
wide world washes over like waves
as treasure on the shore leave me wondering
at the peace within these moments,
here one minute then gone the next
retreating back into the shell
of another world.

Spiral staircase memories
wind their way into the hold
plundering the remains to find
tattered pieces of something gone
and forgotten,
still I turn each piece over
carefully viewing the etched beauty of each individual,
unique and different
all so special
putting it in my pocket
for another day.

Creations of wonder
the thoughts of each in this world
stirred by the life within held with tenderness
scented with the salt of wind and tears
and the endless sea like life
that keeps moving in and out
washing a poets soul,
cleansing a spirit with the setting sun
upon the gems of yesterday
we try to grasp it all before it moves
back into the depths,
back to its beginning.

15 thoughts on “Within these moments

  1. Just got back from grocery shopping, dinner with the neighbor tomorrow and 93 degrees out…another pool day😊🌴☀️💦 life is good and magical😊


  2. Thank you so very much😊 some days it flows for me and other days it’s a struggle, today was a struggle but in hindsight, maybe that made it good and that’s a good thing😊
    Peace and blessings,


  3. Thanks Tre,
    My mind lost in seashell days, even when I’m not on the beach. Kept thinking how things can be so complex and yet so simple at he same time, perpetual paradox. Good morning and have an excellent Saturday😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The airy words-worker at her best…

    “Spiral staircase memories
    wind their way into the hold
    plundering the remains to find
    tattered pieces of something gone
    and forgotten,
    still I turn each piece over
    carefully viewing the etched beauty of each individual,
    unique and different
    all so special
    putting it in my pocket
    for another day.”

    This is lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Now if when we get old, we burn out at the peak of happiness, no nursing home needs to be had,
    But I worked in one for awhile back in high school,levers one has a story, albeit meager or great,the point is that someone listens….
    Someone cares…..it’s a tough thing to find in this world,
    But it is a golden gift.
    Kind of like your stories😊💜


  6. There is a metaphor that goes with collecting sea shells. After a time most of them fade and lose their brightness, like old men tossed into nursing homes..

    Liked by 2 people

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....