Hand made love

A child born

creation by hands of two

after the I do’s

held together with fragile threads

stitched through the winds of change and time.

Years pass in the blink of an eye

quickly like a hummingbirds wing

the moments flit by almost invisible

and recalled in sweet and sorrowful memories.

Half a century almost gone

and voices on lines quiver in a fear

of days to come

but they approach with or without our permission

and we stand helpless to stop the nature

of the progression of life.

Thoughts of strength sent across the universe,

a breath in and out filled with

trepidation and positiveness,

though both do not compliment each other

in an all or nothing thought,

the belief to know that good will come

manifested in thoughts

yet still wavering a bit.

A hundred flowers of beauty I see

stitched with the delicate thread

wound in and out like the lives we lead

as we struggle to know and believe

in outcomes that suspend

our lives a bit longer,

that seek to show

our love a bit stronger,

and a tear of joy shed

when they say it is all good

you may go home now.

23 thoughts on “Hand made love

  1. Love this and will read it to a group of seniors today. I think they will enjoy the story that goes with it. I thought her surgery was last week. I will keep you and all in prayers 🙂


  2. But what about batman? Haha, just kidding…thanks so much. I love robins. I know the first one I see means spring will be here soon. And the babies, so adorable once the feathers come:) thanks and I am glad you enjoyed:)


  3. Very nicely ‘woven’ in words. Best wishes for a quick healing for your mother and thanks for this beautiful post today. I saw the bird tucked into the textile artwork, which made me want to comment! Love birds, kinda have to, Robin!


Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....