Of forgotten words

I slip into the fading twilight,

words fall through my mind in perfect time

to the breath that grows deeper

and I long to be able to remember

all of these beautiful words that fell into place

like ants walking in a perfect line

one after another

moving forward with their goal

as mine was to save each of these images

and words that I felt were so fitting

knowing that with the coming of the dawn,

they would be scattered about


and it left me sad in a way

but I knew that at some point,

walking that path they would come back again,

to find me waiting

for a midnight masterpiece

that was born

then slipped into the darkness,

a mere memory


Perhaps it is the whisper of the pink moon

searching over water into my thoughts,

stirring up a calm and peaceful way

that waits for just the right and perfect moment,

sneaking in to rouse me

to come out to play

in coming days.

Maybe the words will be there

as I stand alone under her distant gaze

perhaps she will share with me the memory forgotten

and with the rise of the sun

it will all fall into place

as fingers move

with forgotten grace.

16 thoughts on “Of forgotten words

  1. How horrid for you my friend,
    Wishing I could whisk in
    Magic fairy godmother to spirit away
    Each ache and pain that tears at you
    With knife-like claws,
    To free you from these bonds that tie
    Your mind in sorrow
    I send wishes and thoughts for the well to refill,
    The cup to run over with happiness
    And in the meantime till the day arrives,
    I shall blow upon the wind
    Light and peace and reflective thoughts
    That tomorrow will be a better day,
    That your creations will give you solace
    And that these words will find you
    With a gentle blessing of love,
    Peace and love Sheldon,
    Stay safe and we will rise above
    As poets and dreamers often do,
    PS….I’m feeling good, got about ten pounds of hair cut off and only lost one on the scale….sigh…but hey, it’s getting there😊☀️☀️


  2. I actually have one in my phone and STILL miss countless conversations and scenes (usually of Dark Fey) because I often consider scenes as Im driving and talk through the dialog, but invariably never turn on my voice recorder 😡

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I feel with my hands
    As far as my body
    Not so good
    I had to cancel one of the appointments yesterday
    The other one gave me more pills to take
    The nite before I slept sitting up
    The spasms have been ungodly
    How is it going with you
    I hope all is well
    I have enough complaints
    To make a list
    I just want to smile instead of crying all the time
    My tears have tears
    My issues are back ordered
    And the company can’t fill the orders fast enough
    I try to stay focused
    But it only lasts for so long
    I eat because I have to
    Not because that it tastes good
    This whole situation was a wake up call
    That I would of wished had stayed asleep
    Tests ,tests and more tests
    I don’t have anymore blood
    Cause you can’t get blood from a stone
    That’s enough for now
    I’ll wake up when it’s over
    As always
    The Professional Cannon

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you Sheldon,
    I am perhaps always happy to make your day better with simple words…haha, hope the Dr. Appts went well and that you’re feeling better….peace and love my friend, Kim


  5. Keep telling myself I need to buy a little hand held recorder….it was soooo very good and I don’t say that a lot about my own writing….it will surface at some point. Perhaps it was just there to tease me, I almost got up to write a blog but had no energy left😊
    Thanks Morgan💜
    Peace and love,

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks Tre, from the bottom of my heart. It was funny but for some reason I was composing words as I fell asleep and I knew they were perfect…wished I had a light, pen and paper, etc….for if I got up to write them down, they’d run and hide from me….I actually chuckled aloud realizing it, finally let them slip away…perhaps I should buy a handheld recorder I can whisper my magic words into, hmmmm….yeah…I should😊
    Peace and love…gotta track something this am….must have been on the slow boat😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Good morning Sue,
    I take that compliment and shall wear it proudly like a badge, it means a lot to me that what I say reaches you, the fun part is when I first began putting it out there on the blog, I thought good god, know one is going to read this drivel, my grammar sucks, etc….picked myself a part pretty good and then just got to where it didn’t matter, I just Had to write and get the words out…now I get even more joy out of it, I just needed to be myself, warts and grammar and all….I enjoy bringing light into someone’s day, sometimes even my own….your writing is beautiful too, don’t ever forget, we’re here for a reason, to share our gifts and light the days with magic and love…thank you for jump starting mine today.
    Peace love and happy almost weekend😊

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I remember laying there thinking I need to buy myself a tape recorder and that chances were slim I’d remember…catch them when they’re on the fly or they slip on by😊 peace and love, Kim

    Liked by 1 person

  9. So incredibly beautiful. It is an everlasting sweep of visions and desires. “and words that I felt were so fitting” and “perhaps the whisper of the pink moon/searching over water into my thoughts, stirring up a calm and peaceful way….,” Heartache and a heavy loneliness in ones own soul, stirs me to the core. You are by far, one of my favorite poets. I could linger right here forever. Thank you so much for creating such harmony of thought feeling and emotion. You amaze me.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You have a way of settling the unsettled with your words. They’re always so calming, just what the Doctor ordered, sort of words:

    “moving forward with their goal

    as mine was to save each of these images

    and words that I felt were so fitting

    knowing that with the coming of the dawn,

    they would be scattered about


    and it left me sad in a way

    but I knew that at some point,

    walking that path they would come back again,

    to find me waiting

    for a midnight masterpiece

    that was born

    then slipped into the darkness,

    a mere memory


    So beautiful… So very beautiful, indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....