From here I see….

Forever in a heart that beats

staccato rhythm endlessly emerges

too fast for the night skies that slip silently away

drums beat on a beach

nowhere near to here.

Eyes that see blue waters

soothing motion should settle the mind

and I remember why I came

to the peace of a sunny day spent

wandering history and ruins.

The ease of days unfold

seem ramping into a new place

and an old time and perhaps it is only fear

replacing the knowledge of all that is

but in the morning light nothing changes

and the heart keeps beating

until it doesn’t.

The weight of action within stirs like a cauldron

and the grasping of hands pulls tight

like a dog on a leash chasing squirrels

and I am pulled about and it hurts

this tightening and I long for sleep but it eludes me

like a moment of solitary thought that slipped silently in

then like a whisper was gone,

headed for tomorrow

without a map.

I sit here with this god awful heartburn, something I have not had in almost two months….waiting for an antacid to kick in and soothe….but more irritated as I’m ready for bed and I dread a reflux if I lay prone….but on a good note, got the little fraidy pup into the pool today for a much needed bath? or at least a cooling swim….I think the little idgit was trying to capsize me in my floaty craft…but I made it out with almost dry hair….Yay me 🙂 she on the other hand is a little better to look at and smell….no dirt in the bed, nope…not gonna happen. Don’t ask me what this poem is about, I just went with it….who knows…I need sleep right about now…past my bedtime 🙂 sorry no image to accompany it….I honestly don’t know what I would put except a bottle of Rolaids at this point….wish me luck it makes it stop….grrrr…

5 thoughts on “From here I see….

  1. all better this morning, only awakened once in the middle of the night. I think it was garlic overkill on my caesar salad at lunch yesterday….can’t think of what else it could have been. All good today thank goodness.

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