Moon flight

He paints the skies with words
Images of silken gossamer wings
Higher he flies
Reaching out to dare touch
With a quiet smile,
Lightly moving
Above the light
Of the sincere moon.
In sleep she dreams of webs
Hanging in the corners of her mind
Waiting to gather up the bits and pieces
Of forgotten dreams,
Turning to dust
Cocooned ashes left behind.
She watches his flight
Eyes open against the glare of a midnight moon
Silently waiting the return
Of yesterday and the whispered wind
Knowing it is just this
A fleeting thought
For She cannot hold such delicate life
In jars of her heart,
Lids with punctured holes for a taste
Of the succulent breeze buffered,
Once turned and removed
The sweetness of beyond will call
And he will fly
From her,
He shall live,
his destiny
To fulfill.

Beautiful art found at :

14 thoughts on “Moon flight

  1. The beauty of this piece for me, Kim, was the desire to touch and hold that ephemeral beauty, while at the same time recognizing it must be left free to fly. Such a poignant, almost melancholy feeling. Wanting to hug a butterfly! ha!


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