As one

We run our thoughts through scenes,
colored images exploring the realms
in empty spaces found
dipping our mind in to swirl it around
mix it all up creating something new
special and sincere
like rain on a solitary afternoon
we become as one
feeling the drops fall
plopping down to the ground
making a mighty splat
we marvel at the makings
of natures art.

Watered down days of paintbrush strokes
and songs that soothe the mind
relaxing us into the place
where artists dwell unseen,
we blend in becoming
something new from ingredients found
in dreams and ideas
we craft them into collages
sea shells and waves
on blank canvas we shuffle it here
and then there
trying to fit pieces in to appeal,
we realize there is a bit of us
within each frame,
as love is all in the end
we evaporate to become
the images of our perfect selves.

Beautiful art found at :

Poem inspiration from Magarisa latest post:


25 thoughts on “As one

  1. Your words are a paintbrush expressing so well the creative process! I Love this part: we realize there is a bit of us within each frame, And love the blue, too!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I knock quietly….sometimes I just brush my angelic wings upon your head as you sleep…how’d the dr appt go? Email me when you get a chance…..didn’t want to bother you…peace and blessings,
    As Kim always too💜🙏🏻☮🕉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes indeed, lets do it! Like a playdoh world, bright colors and shapes dreamed into existence with a splat😊💜💚 like children again, we will create because it is our nature☮🕉🙏🏻😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the playful and profound nature of this piece, Kim. Let’s all ‘make a mighty splat’ by combining our personal collages, with the creative universe as our backdrop. 😊💚💜💕

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Loved the image and your words did remind me of Magarisa’s post that I had just read 🙂
    It is amusing how we keep trying to put it all together in our own ways … I loved how you ended your beautiful poem …
    we realize there is a bit of us
    within each frame,
    as love is all in the end
    we evaporate to become
    the images of our perfect selves.

    Truth lies beyond what we all make of it all…

    Liked by 3 people

Your words are stars and I humbly thank you for shining your light for me....